On Writing

I'd say in the world of writing, that there are two milestones that every adventurer must overcome to be great.

First, if your a writer, then write! I've met too many stinking writers that either don't show me anything they've written, or they haven't written anything at all, usually both. Almost every successful creator that I've ever met, not only has an idea journal, but actually has good ideas inside of it. A writer, truly, is just an observer of life. Inspiration for your writing is everywhere, in fact, your breathing inspiration right now. The key that makes a writer separate from everyone else is paying attention, and then writing it down. Basically, search for the reasons and motives behind the world, try to make some sort of a metaphor out of everything. And then, the most important thing, the part that separates the man from the wimp, is writing it down.You think your a big macho guy and that you'll be able to remember something because it was so awesome, well guess what, you won't! DON'T ARGUE YOU'RE NOT AN ELEPHANT! So... Write it down. Then hey who knows, maybe a fantastically sweet character or a whole story will come from a little, small observation. So take this... "Inspiration Book" EVERYWHERE. Make it small enough that it isn't cumbersome, but not small enough that it feels ridiculous to write in. Use it everywhere. The best times to write in this inspiration book will actually be the times that you would usually be bored during the day. For instance, on a bus or sitting in a particularly easy class. Any time is a good time, in fact, all the time is a good time!

The second milestone that every writer has to overcome, allot, is the infamous Writers Block. The biggest mistake that writers make when they are gathering ideas to get out of Writers block is that they find themselves in an empty room staring at the ceiling. I mean, I can see this when you already have ideas and need a place for peace and quiet concentration, but for gathering new ideas? Its the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Like I said before, inspiration is all around you, embrace it. But oh no, here comes another problem, say you take my advice, but all the sudden your getting inspiration for a Comedy Romance when originally you were writing an intense Sci-fi. So? your saying you'd rather shun inspiration so you can write one thing at a time? Good luck. But in my opinion, you'll come back to the sci-fi. take what the inspiration the world gives you and regurgitate it into several stories that are awesome, instead of just one.
