This is for those afraid to find themselves amidst the chaos
For those whose dreams rely on infected mushrooms
And for those who never thought they could be anymore than the criminal they were convicted of
This is for the kid left at the gas station curb
and the middleaged man still playing video games
This is for the people that can only live through a fabric of lies
And for the girl who searches for love, but won't love herself
This is for the washed up teacher trying to sell inspiration imitations
For those blind with sight, fine with melancholy, and enslaved by reality
Believe in the fantasy.
Believe in the truth that there is something more
Believe that you could step out of the door and become new
Believe that it is not too late for you
Haven't you ever thought about living the dream?
Haven't you ever wandered if there was something more?
I have

I've though about it so hard that's all I think about now

But you don't seem to
It seems you're just fine with life
And that blows my mind the most

Troubles riddle the Earth into ruins
The always will
But you never let it show
Never let the curtains open


How can one hold all of that in?
Wouldn't sanity slip away so easily?
Perhaps just dust in the wind

But what does that make me?
A turning of a page?
An obstacle? What?

I keep forgetting to remember that it all doesn't really matter
I keep forgetting that you want me to be here for you
And just because of that, the future shouldn't matter

But I find myself wondering if you're just wandering
Am I wandering with you?
Pssshhh! When will we own ourselves completely?

...What's the fun in that?
The light is truly just living in the moment
I know that, but why don't I believe it?

You know what, I will wander with you
And tonight will not be the last night I see the light!