Death Is Coming...

Waiting. Watching. Where is he?

He's at least 10 minutes late. And I came a bloody hour early. But then again, he is a free-spirited one. He probably made his own path. Sigh, who's the one who made it so an individual can change his own fate? 

Oh, That's right, I did.
Hey, I am death. How's it going? Horrible? If not you're a liar. The purpose of this life is to teach you something, for you to suffer, kind of like trying to breath underwater. Sure you have the optimists that tell you that life has many wonderful qualities. I agree, there's plenty of shiny fish down there, perhaps some beautiful quarrel, but your still drowning, even if it's an underwater paradise. You don't belong there.

 Once you learn your lesson though, that's when I show up, I give you your first breath of real air. Though technically I guess I'm slitting your throat at the time, in the analogy it would be your first breath of air. But then you're free! No more worries, no more heartbreak. Freedom, peace, wonderfulness. All your dead relatives and friends are there to greet you, its great! Why are you all so afraid of this concept, 
That's the real definition of death.

But, then there's people like this guy, who's choices change all the time, and make me, wait... 
But nevertheless, there he is now. His sweet freedom is so close. Oh and there's the bus, Smack!!!
Man this doesn't look good, but it is now my time to shine. Oh he sees me now, So much fear!
I am so underpaid.... SLICE

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