Stories Untold

Tonight Tonight -- Hot Chelle Rae
Jack finds himself on a breakup in Hollywood. But he finds that he actually might care. Knowing this, the harder he tries to pretend he doesn’t. Unfortunately the late night parties and the excessive alcohol force him to finally decide, that he’s going to have to go after her.

You Found Me -- Fray
Johnny Fray takes a trip through the desert and finds God. Blaming God for his insecurities, he asks him, “Where were you?” God takes him through each chapter in his life. God says nothing, but it is beginning to be clear to Johnny that all through his life God was there.

Rombo -- The Bloody Beetroots
Rombo the destructive robot comes to destroy Earth. The extermination begins off swiftly but then suddenly he begins to feel that humans deserve to live. In this epic series the destroyer robot has to turn against his own race and defeat their army, with only the sad pathetic human's weapons to aid him.


  1. These are great, you constructed them simply and to the point, great job!

  2. All of them are good, but I enjoyed the second one a lot. I love thing with religion and the perspective humans have on it. Interesting view. Most of the time people write with whatever relates to the tittle. Yours is different. Great job!

  3. your interpretation of the fray song is awesome, i think it's really cool how you put god in there as a character. very creative.
    i also love your adaptation of rombo, i think your story fits the song perfect. bloody beetroots are my favorite. great work
